14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I felt very saddened for Cari who has passed away; it was deeply distressing to see an innocent life being lost. This world is a place of sorrows, and this entire story caused great anguish. However, the work that the police did, I mean the way they did it, man, huge huge respect. I mean, they are real-life heroes, they should receive the highest civilian honors. Look at the person who ignored his tumor for the sake of this case, and how they worked day and night to solve it. On the other hand, it's hard to decide whether to cry or be happy about Liz's sentence, what her psychological state was like, I mean, can someone really do that? Very strange. Love and jealousy can make a person do anything. All in all, it was beautifully directed, beautifully produced, all the crew behind it deserve utmost respect. Man, this was huge. Learnt a lot from it..
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