Doctor Who: The Web Planet (1965)
Season 2, Episode 16
Perhaps the most imaginative and peculiar serial* in the Doctor's long history
11 February 2024
The Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Vicki arrive on Vortis, a strange, surreal, seemingly barren planet only to encounter a variety of arthropoidal aliens, the ant-like Zarbis, the moth-like Menoptra, the billbug-like larvae-guns (?), and the grub-like Optera, all of whom are being forced into an existential struggle by a deadly, telepathic creature called the Animus. This is likely the most bizarre, imaginative, and outright weird serial in the Whovian canon. I found that to enjoy this opus, I had to watch with the same 'perception' as that with which I watch suit-mation kaiju - yes, obviously they're people in costumes but so what? - they're still engaging, intriguing and entertaining. The actors playing the Menoptra and the Optera deliver oddly cadenced lines in distorted voices accompanied by strange body movements, all of which contributes to their endearing otherworldliness and I thought that it was quite tragic that, when enslaved, the Menoptra had their wings torn off and could never fly again. Admittedly, the plot doesn't make a lot of sense but the imagery is novel and fun (scenes on the planet surface are blurred to suggest strange atmospheric conditions) and the characters/cast (hominid and otherwise) are great. Unusually, the Doctor is not as 'on top of the situation' as usual - perhaps having met his match in the Animus (until help arrives). All in all, one of a kind and one of my favorites. Score and comments pertain to the six-part serial collectively referred to as 'The Web Planet'
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