This episode of The Bullwinkle Show includes . . .
11 February 2024
. . . a segment that might be better suited to The Twilight Zone. TINY TOM, aka TOM THUMB 2, is a "Fractured Fairy Tale" during which the height of the title character is given as "two and 1/4 inches." His biggest accomplishment is running the four-minute yard. When a six-foot or 72-inch man trots a four-minute mile, he is outpacing his height 220 times. However, having a 2.25 inch tall individual taking four minutes to plod 36 inches yields a ratio of just 16. This means that Tiny Tom is four and a half times slower than Roger Bannister! In other words, Tiny Tom is puffing along like a car chugging 15 MPH on an interstate freeway! Hopefully he's not hogging the fast lane on his dish! Then things get even weirder when it turns out that there is a whole village full of slow pokes like Tiny Tom. Talk about creepy.
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