Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child (1963)
Season 1, Episode 1
A Different Time
16 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so the jist of the episode is 2 schoolteachers, Ian and Barbara, are curious and concerned about a student of theirs - Susan, who is brilliant and at times, they think, stupid (for the mere fact she knows more than they do in this time period) - when Barbara obtains Susan's address and finds an old junkyard where a house should be.

And what do they do? Well they make an unexpected visit to the Susan's "home".

Only to find a strange, rather condescending old man in the junkyard who lies straight to them about the whereabouts of Susan (spoiler: she's in the TARDIS), then trApS Ian and Barbara inside of the TARDIS and takes them, well, at the end of the 20 minute runtime, we don't know where in time and space.

And so begins my journey across every single episode from 1963 onwards into the Doctor Who universe... that's attainable, that is (ofc the lost episodes that are animated I will watch and review and patiently wait for them to recreate the rest).

It was a different time. While I did find the Doctor condescending, Ian wasn't much better. But it was entertaining, it was intriguing, and in 1963 I would've come back for episode 2 no problem.

At the time of this review, I have only seen some of the newer seasons with Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, and Matt Smith. I fell off and got bored with Capaldi's Doctor but since Tennant's brief return and Ncuti Gatwa's appearance, I wanted to start from the beginning and try to find the love I once had for the show again. (I saw some of the earlier episodes from the original run and the TV movie reboot attempt as well beforehand, but only a small amount of the original content.)

It's Doctor Who... graphics were never a big concern. Some oddball, boring aliens are not an end all for this show. It's a show about adventure and companionship. So we can ignore tiny details like kidnapping, yeah? LOL

Overall I'm rating this episode a 7/10. I never go lower than a 5/10, for the record. I can't say any of the characters are a favorite so far, but the show definitely keeps you pondering what just happened and what's going to happen next. I like Susan's character as an idea... the Doctor's granddaughter, huh? Not something explored in the newer series much at all. It's humorous when she explains things to Ian and Barbara that the world hasn't discovered yet, even if she does sound whiny. And I love the backstory of the Doctor and Susan being... banished?.... from their home planet. It'll be a fun story to explore for sure, and to all the die hard Who fans out there who know the outcome of this story I'm sorry for how naive I am right now.

As someone who couldn't stand older television and movies until recently, this was decent for 1963.

And away we go....
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