Blade Runner (1982)
Incredible looking poignant vibe
6 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Rating: 7.8

Watched this in UHD and the setpieces looked incredible nothing looked fake despite the movie tackling a cyberpunk aesthetic in 1982. The plot was mentally engaging as you followed Deckard's sleuthing skills on his hunt for the replicants, and the themes around what it truly means to be human were interesting because at the end of the day the replicants just wanted to live beyond there termination date despite there morally grey methods of achieving this. They weren't inherently evil so much so that Roy let himself die rather than seek revenge on Deckard for doing his job. I thought the romance didn't add all that much to the story. There were some stupid scenes like, pris deciding to do backflips to try and kill Deckard when she literally had him in a leglock a scene prior, and I would've liked to know more about Deckard himself such as why he's all alone and depressed.
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