Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Starship Down (1995)
Season 4, Episode 7
Another travesty against engineering
24 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story was a bit patchy, too many subplots, although they were mostly pretty good. The split is caused by huge damage to the Defiant, isolating some small groups. This has been done better in other episodes, mostly because the overarching plot is not really strong enough to tie them together; it's just "we're gonna win this battle about trade at any cost LOL".

But the reason I'm writing the review is the Quark subplot which pushes "star trek is not always strict scifi" too far: a torpido hits the ship but doesn't explode, getting stuck wedged half way into the room Quark is in, so he can open the panel and defuse it. This is utterly, utterly ridiculous. It would maybe fit in a cartoon series for preschoolers.

It wouldn't have been too hard to fix: they could have had the same story with the torpedo in a more plausible location and hacked it remotely; it would have taken more words, they could have dropped the Bashir/Dax subplot.

Oh well. DS9 is still worth watching even if you have to grit your teeth through some episodes.
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