Review of Solaris

Solaris (2002)
Annoyingly Vague
7 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Basically this movie is about a mentally ill man who falls in love with a mentally ill woman. And they both destroy each other. As another reviewer said, it's basically a 30 minute Twilight Zone episode stretched out into a hour and a half movie. Super slow, stupid and annoying vague.

I liked the opening segment on Earth with it's future world technology. But as soon as the the George Clooney character (Kelvin) gets a mysterious video message from outer space, I became annoyed.

Who agrees to go to outer space to fix a problem that the customer/client won't identify? I have my own business. I wouldn't even go across town to fix a problem the customer/client wouldn't identify, explain, or talk about. But this guy agrees to go to outer space? Stupid.

Defenders may say they couldn't tell him what was going on because they didn't know. They knew. They knew way more than they were telling him. They weren't stupid. Especially the Gordon (Viola Davis) character. The writers didn't want us the viewers to know. This is a cheap and lazy way to try to create mystery. Stupid and unrealistic.

Then he gets to the space station and still, as I said, nobody will explain what's going on. Intelligent people don't operate like this. It makes no logical sense. Stupid.

I'm giving it a 4 because it's done well and it looks good. But I'm always immediately turned off by intentional vagueness (or vaguery) in movies, in a lazy attempt to create mystery.

(I watched two copies of this movie. Both had no title page or opening credits. That's weird.)

(I haven't seen every George Clooney movie and TV show. But everything I've seen him in, he's always brooding like his character is carrying around some heavy duty internal baggage. He's never upbeat, energetic, enthusiastic, happy, etc. --- ER, Up in the Air, Midnight Sky and this.)

She (Rheya - Natascha McElhone) meets Kelvin. They fall madly in love. They get married. She gets pregnant. She has an abortion without telling him she's pregnant. He finds out. He's understandably angry. They have an argument where she says, "I didn't know you felt this way". How would she know how he felt if she never told him she was pregnant, and she never asked him how he felt? They're married !!! It's his child !!!


Anyway, during the argument she also tells him, "Don't leave me. I can't make it without you." He leaves temporarily because he's angry. She kills herself. He returns to find her dead.

The movie starts with him after her death living life depressed because she's gone. Then he goes to space by request to fix a problem he has no information about. She appears constructed off his memory (by the planet Solaris). Instead of returning to Earth, he decides to stay on the space station with her image, because he rather live with her, than be alone on Earth.

He is an educated man (professional psychologist). He's good looking --- he's George Clooney for goodness sake !!! But he rather stay alone in outer space with a fake image of a wack job, than return to Earth and fall in love with a mentally healthy woman?

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