A smartly crafted psychological thriller that succeeds in being scary without gratuitous bloodshed
10 September 2023
This psychological thriller is undeniably one of the best I've ever seen (although I haven't seen many thrillers), and I believe this thanks to the performances (especially those of Willis, Osment and Collette), the handling of the colour palette, one of the most famous quotes in cinema history (which has now gained a cult status), the direction and -mostly- the unexpected ending, which answers all the questions arisen during the film. The premise of it is that a well-known and acclaimed child psychologist begins working with a 9-year-old boy, Cole, who claims that he sees ghosts. The psychologist feels that he must help the boy recover, to make up for a treatment that failed, in a case similar to Cole. This is a really atmospheric movie, particularly in the scary and suspenseful scenes, the performances are excellent (in particular the ones delivered from the aforementioned actors), Shyamalan's direction contributes to the movie's scariness, the colour palette that uses red during scenes with emotional intensity or to show that something from the real world has been tainted from the world of the dead, and the surprise ending that answers all the questions originates from one of the best plot twists in cinematic history. To sum up: just watch it. Whether you want to see an unpredictable thriller without unnecessary gore, or you just want to see a great film that keeps your interest without unneeded plot points and drama, this one is sure to fulfill you.
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