Mad Men: The Inheritance (2008)
Season 2, Episode 10
Return of Peter "Glen Bishop" Lorre
6 September 2023
When you look at some of the casting choices for siblings... Pete's brother, and Betty's brother... you wonder if the producers know that, in real life people actually resemble their relatives... The funny thing is, Betty's brother and Pete's brother look like brothers... Oh it's getting too confusing...

This episode is a kind of... not really filler but a moment to relax after two really good back-to-back episodes...

Something about Betty's dad is really scary, like anything can happen at any time... Now THAT is good casting...

This show has a way of giving you the creeps, which is a good thing... Both Mad Men and Breaking Bad are similar in that both center on awkward situations... like being stuck in an addictive purgatory...

And that's also what soap operas are like, but binging shows take the best aspect of soaps, add great actors and stories, and an entirely new generation of addicts are born... and am very glad to be one...

Oh no, no... not Glen again... I keep expecting him to say, "Dawd" (aka "Dad") in a Valley Girl accent like Sofia Coppola in The Godfather 3, but he's even worse...

"I... don't... like... ham..."

He's like a robot. I get it; he's supposed to be troubled and a bit creepy... And he's attempting a Summer of 42' thing with Betty, but, he simply doesn't seem part of the same show as everyone else...

And now I have to wait to see him as a teenager... I guess nothing is perfect, and Matthew made sure of that.
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