Another Popular Poe From Corman...3-Short Stories...Amusing Well-Mounted Star-Shine
11 August 2023
Roger Corman's 4th Edgar Allan Poe Film, After... 1)...House of Usher (1960)) 2)...The Pit and the Pendulum (1961) 3)...The Premature Burial (1962)

The Director Would Go On to Make 4 More... 5)...The Raven (1963) 6)...The Haunted Palace 7)...The Masque of the Red Death 8)...The Tomb of Ligeia

"Tales of Terror" Offers...

1)...Morella (Vincent Price, Maggie Pierce, Leona Page)

The Shortest and the Least "Fleshed-Out", it has some Nice Macabre Color and is Super Serious. Also the Return from the Grave to Possess and Ravish Revenge is Given Little to Work With and is Over abruptly, and is the Least Satisfying of the 3. Price Wavering Back and Forth Reacting to His Daughter who He hasn't Seen for Decades is quite Irritating. He Loves Her...He Hates Her...He Loves Her...He Hates Her...But Still has the Corman Stamp Firmly Applied on Poe's Death Fascination.

2)...The Black Cat (Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Joyce Jameson)

This Seems to be the Favorite Among Fans but it is Certainly Played Completely for Laughs as Price is Pure "Hambone" as a Wine-Tasting Expert and Wife-Stealer. Peter Lorre is Falling-Down Drunk the Whole Time and Gets Old Fast. It Really is a One-Joke Romp that Grates on the Nerves Quickly.

3)...The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar (Vincent Price, Basil Rathbone, Debra Paget, David Frankham)

This is the Most Horrifying with Basil Rathbone in Down-Right Evil Mode (with Debra Paget Excellent as the Damsel in Distress to say the least), as a Hypnotist Trying to Keep Price and His Consciousness Alive After Death. It's Gruesome, Terrifying, and Grisly. The Best of the Trio.
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