Tough As Nails (2020– )
11 August 2023
I enjoy watching the BS "hollyweird" thinks of blue collar jobs.

Women absolutely SUCK compared to men in the fields the morons who thought up this show come up with.

Having been a "blue collar" worker for 30+ year (in addition to the military) I have yet to meet the woman who can do (or even compete) with any guy on the job. What a joke. The fact that this show exists is a testament to the general stupidity that pervades America these days. The entire reason women get padi less is because they don't engage in the SAME fields of work men do. Don't believe me??? The Dept.of LAbor backs me up with FACTS.

Drop the PC B. S. and show what ACTUAL physical labor requires. If this was a typing competition... maybe it would be more accurate.

Facts and math... the banes of the liberals.
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