When Calls the Heart: A Time to Speak (2016)
Season 3, Episode 3
Amazing Grace
10 August 2023
This series has Hope Valley residents that run the gamut from near devils to near saints. It's interesting how well the stories capture the reality that most people are not quite either extreme but can often do things that seem to come close. The series does capture the reality that people's memories are longer when it comes to wrongs done and shorter about good ones.

This series often has a Christian bent. This is accomplished often by promoting good behavior and good deeds, but they also capture the true gospel message of forgiveness through redemption.

It struck me in this episode focusing on Frank's past that townsfolk who were singing Amazing Grace a few episodes ago didn't seem to know the story of the man who wrote that priceless hymn. John Newton was not an outlaw who served his prison time. He was formerly a slave runner. We can all decide in our minds which is a worse past, but I know what I think. Newton not only authored the hymn but became a pastor himself. What better way to exemplify the gospel truth of Redemption.

Regarding this episode, I find it unfortunate that the writers couldn't have found a way to reference Newton's story even briefly.
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