Long Weekend (1978)
A slow burn eco thriller that builds in atmosphere and character development
3 August 2023
The good thing about Long Weekend is that it takes the time to build an unnerving atmosphere in this slow burn psychological eco-thriller as we follow a feuding couple who go camping on a remote beach in Australia in an effort to rebuild their fractured marriage, however the lack of respect they show for nature, and for each other, causes nature to strike back in subtle and unexpected ways.

The film allows us to get to know the characters and the reasons behind the contempt they have for one another, so while the characters are not particularly likeable we care about what happens to them which is testimony to both John Hargreaves and Briony Behets performances which are compelling throughout.

Aussie director Colin Eggleston takes a leaf out of Alfred Hitchcock's book and fashions an eco thriller along the lines of The Birds (1963) to great affect and although it is slow and does feel longer than it's 92 minute running time it does serve to maintain an atmosphere of unease so when something does happen it makes it much more intense without resorting to jump scares.

Long Weekend is a gem of a horror film and stays with you. A less effective remake was made in 2008.
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