Taxi Driver (1976)
A classic of film that inspires many from a single performance.
28 July 2023
Taxi Driver is a interesting film that captivates audiences with its raw intensity of De Niro's outstanding performance. The film expertly delves into the mind of a one man in 1970's New York City, offering a powerful and thought-provoking experience.

De Niro's portrayal of Travis Bickle is great. His ability to convey the complex emotions and inner turmoil of the character draws you into his troubled mind. Bickle's transformation from a lonely, disillusioned taxi driver to a vengeful vigilante is portrayed with utmost authenticity, leaving a lasting impact on viewers. The rest of the cast compliment De Niro rather well, although he is obviously the star of this show. He is also the only performance I would credit as being great or better than. I do see however that some people will struggle to connect to a character that's as broken and simply mean spirited as Travis. However even if you haven't had and similar experiences (obviously to a lesser extent), I still believe the movie is a thought provoking watch. But many may not see what i (and many) see. A negative here however is Travis Bickle and the performance of him is by an absolute landslide the biggest reason for this movies positivity. Everything in this movie would not be what it is without a performance like this one. That being said I believe it to be more of a credit to the director for having him cast. He is part of the movie after all.

I've seen online that people believe the movie to be rather slow paced and this is a negative. But honestly I didn't feel that at all throughout the entire movie. That being said if you're not enjoying a movie this can happen so most movies can have this happen to some viewers. But I wanted to throw my two-cents into the mix and state that I do not believe at any point it gets longwinded and/or boring.

The ending is great and something that leaves a profound impact. The conclusion is both shocking and thought-provoking, sparking discussions. It's hard to talk about for fear of spoilers, however it is very good and you may see differently to how the ending was originally planned from the director.

Overall, Taxi Driver is a cinematic classic that showcases Robert De Niro's acting brilliantly. Although the movie is not as good as later (but similar toned) movies, it still manages to make you think and get somewhat invested into the character of Travis. The film's overall impact and unforgettable ending makes it a must see classic that continues to resonate with audiences and film makers to this day.

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