9-1-1: Pay It Forward (2023)
Season 6, Episode 18
Feels like S4 2.0, and not in the sense that it improved
17 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's becoming so tiring seeing female characters being reduced to love interests. The show doesn't even pretend or try to give them a personality that goes beyond their profession and their relationship to the male character. Liking a two dimensional female character just for the fact that she's a woman is not the #feministslay you think it is. Both Marisol and Natalia(and actually, Ali and Ana, too) deserved so much more. I, personally, want to know more about them, but it's never organically put on the show's story.

Also, Natalia coming in, almost kissing Buck, running away, and then coming back to be his girlfriend? Where have I ever seen something like that before?

And PLEASE, let Buck keep his character development? Coma! Bobby telling him that if he's caring about what people see of him, then he's learned nothing, only for Buck to describe his (less than two minutes long for us, viewers) date with Natalia as her "seeing" him? It feels like the show doesn't know what to do with him anymore, and that could be the time to put his story a tiny little bit on the back burner and focus on the other characters, but well...

Eddie doesn't need a romantic relationship to not feel lonely! Even if Chris is growing up, he's never not gonna be his son. He has his family, by blood and found. This loneliness arc could be such a good way to show that you can't enter a relationship just for fear of ending up alone... Which, actually, was something out of Buck's playbook. And the writing was NOT consistent on his character. He just says he feels weird dating, like he needs to pretend, only for a couple episodes later look like a teenage with his first crush with Marisol. He says it's not a good idea to date someone you met on a call, only to ask a girl he met on a call on a date. This whole thing felt rushed, and was not really shown on screen beyond his talk with Bobby, which wasn't leading to a relationship so soon. Also, the GA didn't even remember Marisol, and those who did thought that her brother was her boyfriend.

Madney are amazing and Maddie saving the day without even being on scene??? That's my girl! But it felt, again, rushed on Chim's recovery. He had a stretcher's handle impaling him, lost a lot of blood and just... Walked away, with no consequences?

The lack of stakes was also something that irritated me with Bobby. He was buried alive, the second time in two seasons. The first time, ok, he walked away with a pinched nerve and that was the end of it, which wasn't good, but eh. This time around? Not even that. Not a sling for his arm. Not anything. But at least he got to go on that cruise with Athena, god KNOWS they've been through the ringer these past two seasons.

Henren my most beloveds. The show finally remembered that they were fostering, after what...? Two, three seasons? At least they're safe and growing their family!!

Anyways, missed the couples kissing (because Madney can't kiss while literally getting engaged but Buck can exchange spit with Natalia all he wants).

Wish there was a May cameo, I miss my baby so much. Also, the Lees were in the guest cast list and nothing from them :((

To everyone saying that there's too much negativity in this fandom, and that we shouldn't criticize: I'm happy your experience was enjoyable. Mine wasn't. I didn't enjoy what I saw in the finale, that I guess they thought was show finale, itself. And I have a right to say what I didn't enjoy. It's not because I have points to criticize that I don't love the show, or anything. It's actually the opposite: I know they can tell beautiful stories and I'm hoping they have the chance to on ABC.

Anyways, that's my two cents on the finale.
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