Titans: Titans Forever (2023)
Season 4, Episode 12
A sort of lackluster series finale
12 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While this started out as an edgy and interesting take on the old "Teen Titans" concept, it devolved into a predicatble "Good vs. Evil" show about magic and sorcery in its final season. This is just my opinion, but this final season missed a major opportunity by not making Lex Luthor the "big baddie". Instead, they dispatched him episode #1 of this final season in favor of a relatively weak pair of villains (Sebastian Sanger and his "mother").

For some reason, Season 4 was set-up as a road trip, complete with a tricked-out RV. Many set-pieces looked like budget concessions, such as the many warehouse-type sets. Other budget-saving measures were visible by having fewer characters (like Nightwing) rarely in costume, opting for street clothes instead. Was this a budget concession for Mr. Zaslav?

We did get "Robin 3.0" in what could only be described as a "Karate Kid"-type training montage. For me, the Tim Drake character was one of the weakest members of the team, dramatically and emotionally. This was a poor casting choice.

Of course in the finale, the good guys win. But there wasn't any explanation of how/why Connor Kent turned on the team earlier in the season, or why he inexplicably redeemed himself in the end. Also, the use of Red Kryptonite to help resuscitate Connor was completely inconsistent with DC content. Red Kryptonite is supposed to be unpredictable, having random effects on different Kryptonians. And its effects supposedly only last between 24 and 72 hours. So how did this bring Connor back to life? Did the writers not do their research?

Also, no Titans die in the end, although it is teased in the final fight scene. So there was no real sense of danger.

While the final cameo of Jason Todd (Red Hood) was a nice touch, clearly there were some glaring missed opportunities for cameos. Missing in action were Barbara Gordon, Dawn Granger (Dove), Bruce Wayne (who was never in costume as Batman), or Superman - although we did see the latter's boots in a close-up shot. There are probably other cameos that could have been integrated into the finale that I haven't listed.

Of course, the final episode would not be complete with a final gathering in the last few minutes to wrap up some some characters arcs. None of them really disappear, but clearly the Titans team pretty much disbands. And given the new ownership at DC's parent (WBD), don't expect any follow-up or spin-offs.

Like many other Berlanti-produced DC shows (such as "Supergirl" and "The Flash"), they start out strong but cannot sustain the energy. In the end, the final season often comes as a welcome relief as the characters limp to a conclusion. Sadly, "Titans" also followed this same playbook.
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