Titans: Titans Forever (2023)
Season 4, Episode 12
That's A Wrap
11 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
With this episode, we have the end of Titans, a very controversial show that most people tended to love or hate. Personally, I found it decent, even though this finale was quite underwhelming

The Series Finale was a let-down, with honesty. It tried to deliver an epic and emotional ending, but ultimately failed to deliver in either of those areas, with not great choreography and visuals, and the pretty mixed script that it's had since day one. Actors give good performances and I really like the chemistry between most of them, but that doesn't make for a necessarily good show on its own

All in all, I'm honestly gonna miss this show. I've watched it for years now, on-and-off, and it's a shame to see it over, despite the large amount of issues I've had with it.
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