Lucky Man: Evil Eye (2016)
Season 1, Episode 3
The Mysteries Increase
10 May 2023
Det. Ben Grady dies after making love with Suri due to the injuries of the boat chase accident. Harry asks the reluctant Suri to take a leave and while driving her home, but he receives a phone call from Eve asking him to meet her. When Harry goes to the address, he sees three bikers robbing a jewelry, where the Jewish owner dies. When they arrive at the police station, Winter forces Suri to take a leave. Harry is forced to stop the investigation of since Anna is defending Kevin Gray, and Winter assigns Harry to team up with the limited Steve Orwell to investigate the jewelry robberies. Meanwhile, Suri uses her leave to investigate the casino owned by Lily-Anne Lau.

"Evil Eye" is another good episode of "Lucky Man", with a new case entwining to the previous one. Harry Clayton cannot get rid of the bracelet and now he has a short-minded partner. Why Anna was hired to defend Kevin Gray is another mystery in this good storyline. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Evil Eye"
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