9-1-1: The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1 (2020)
Season 3, Episode 14
"The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1"
9 May 2023
What a sensational episode! Even better than the LA tsunami episodes at the start of the season. Which isn't something I thought I would be typing! Absolutely top-notch storytelling.

A tense, taut, heart-pounding episode that really allowed the 9-1-1 dispatch centre operators to be the star of the show, when they so often play second-fiddle to Athena and the 118 truck guys. In "The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1" they are the centre of all the action. There wasn't a second I wasn't on the edge of my seat as a gang of gun-toting mercenaries overran the Dispatch Centre.

With limited screen time, Chim and Buck were great, forced to stand on the sidelines for a change, unable to do much of anything to effect the outcome of things.
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