9-1-1: Death and Taxes (2023)
Season 6, Episode 15
Eddie and Chris saving an awful episode once again.
25 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show is definitely done and there's no turning back. Bad episode after bad episode, same old storylines that didn't work in the past bringing them back because the writers and Kristen don't have one single creative idea.

Using taxes to make Maddie and Chimney marry is just so bad, they have overcome so many things and instead of allowing them to have a nice proposal and so on, they decided to use this excuse. I can't believe their relationship has been so poorly treated this season, cutting scenes, rushing through everything and just hoping cute scenes with their daughter would appease the masses.

Let's hope this means they will finally stop using Shannon as an excuse for every arc of Eddie and Chris. Obviously you just don't move on from you mother's/wife's death, but it feels like everything that has happened to Eddie and Chris (expect for the shooting) was because they missed Shannon, and it's just boring now. However, that scene at the graveyard was so emotional and Gavin and Ryan did an incredible job.

I can't believe they ruined it with having Buck there talking about a person he has only met who only cares about him because he died. I'm just sick and tired of Buck having useless storylines, and him being thrown down he dating road every time they don't have any new ideas. At least he used to have chemistry with the girls, lately it's just awful to watch (I guess Oliver is also tired of this, and he decided that we should suffer from second hand embarrassment).

The excuse is that he needs these arcs to see that he has people who love him, but they have been doing so in season 1, season 2, season 4, season 5 and season 6. One of these days, it would actually have to stick, I guess.

This guy doesn't need a girlfriend, he needs a therapist. They need to stop bringing girl after girl to develop his character, it's just plain misogyny. Women are not complements to men to help them move from one point to the other.

In other seasons, when the personal storylines weren't it you at least had emergencies to make it interesting. It's not the case.
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