Nicely done action pic
12 April 2023
My review was written in June 1989 after watching the film on AIP video cassette.

"Order of the Eagle" is a better-than-average pic from the Action International stable, headed directly to U. S. video stores.

Actor William Zipp also wrote and produced this story of Eagle Scout Casey Hirsch who gets a real-life test in earning his title survival badge when he finds secret computer disks inside a plane wreck.

They contain the codes for a prototype Star Wars defense design, which corrupt businessman Frank Stallone wants back at all costs to protect his government contracts. David Roger Harris and David Marriott are the ruthless henchmen who go after Hirsch. The boy is protected by Zipp and other good Samaritans.

Clean-cut pic pays more attention to story values than others of its ilk, with intersting final scenes to round off the tale (rather than mindless action footage and the non-endings of so many recent videos). Acting is fun, buttressed by unusual casting of tall, pretty tomboy leading lady Jil Foor as Zipp's girlfriend.

William Stromberg's musical score, with its echoes of Bernard Herrmann's work, is a decided plus.
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