Nice details for star wars story
9 February 2023
Nice to see background of how republic became empire gradually, how the system evolved another, around clone troopers.

Nice answers overalls how rookie storm troopers took place of clone troopers. We can see dilemma here, Palpatine actually weakening empire intently. But also he can control senate by just showing up. Like dictators in our present days.

But I want to point out a bad detail for Bad batch because it finally solved.

Since echo joined the team actually he was useless and there wasn't really reason tlecho joined the team. He was like a tool by his arm like an hacker but we were seen that Tech was as already doing same job. So echo wasn't necessary, he can not fight or do some labor. He wasn't have real dialogs recently.

Interestingly Same thing for Hunter. I cannot hear real dialogs for Hunter recently. He seems like extra because he don't decide anymore, decision mostly comes for m Omega or by situation.

I think Dave filoni must solve this issue too...
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