Arrow: Broken Dolls (2013)
Season 2, Episode 3
All Coming Together
19 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was really dark even by Arrow's standards, but it placed a large focus on the Lance family.

After the previous episode's ending, the Canary gets Oliver out of the situation by using a sonic device. Oliver, interested to find out more about this vigilante, tells Roy to gather information about her using his street connections.

Meanwhile, the villain of the week, the Dollmaker, was a guy caught by Quentin shortly after Sara disappeared, but escaped from prison during the quake and has starting killing again. After his boss tells him to stay away from the case, Quentin works with the Arrow to catch him. He also helps Laurel make sense of why she is blaming The Arrow (Quentin is the one to name him and I have no problem with that) for Tommy's death.

The flashbacks also take a very interesting turn and make you curious to see what happens next.
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