Isabel Archer, Dir.
28 December 2022
For any woman, to tell Suchhhh, a story, & so 'artfully,' is a 'long time,' memorable, thoughtfully accomplished, if 'period-piece,' of real, Directorial Skill... Helped me a lot, in many ways, 'as a woman,' myself... Kudos, CAST :)

The 600, 'Required Characters,' for a REVIEW HERE:

i wish i could tell you, what 'thoughtful,' means, other than, all-characters, in this film, are 'archetypes,' of a sort, that as 'world consciousness,' we might LEARN FROM, &'grow out of,' if such a thing were ever considered POSSIBLE...

Many films are 'comparable,' in attempts: 'Paris, Texas,' & Wim Weders' other tales / films, also approach this subject, sensitively.
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