9-1-1: Cursed (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
Eddie Diaz the saving grace of this show.
8 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They should make a spin-off of Eddie and all the women of the show (Karen, Linda, May, Hen, and so on) living their life and spending time together because the rest is just wrong step after wrong step.

The emergencies were once again bland, the actress of the main storyline didn't help. Thankfully Eddie and Athena did the hard work and were able to pick the slack up.

Buck's storyline is pure nonsense and I don't know why they didn't talk about it for a month and now it's back. The couple is being very manipulative and Buck is being naive. The poor guys has been having terrible arcs for almost three seasons now, no wonder Oliver Stark doesn't promote the show anymore, he clearly deserves better.

I'm so mad that we didn't see Chris at all in that last scene and we only saw a random woman that will never appear again, which looks like the type of woman Kristen likes.
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