I liked the show more than most, but hated the end more than most as well
15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Of course I am not obectively speaking, this is just my opinion. And I am not saying, the ending was bad or anything. It was just bad for me. It killed my suspension of disbelief and was just too much of a mess. Nothing like a good old 4th wall break like in Deadpool, but a complete reality switch, the ability to change reality, because She-Hulk is aware that she is in TV only? Jumping into other realities?

In the very end, I want a story, interesting characters, a fun and complex main character, a good villain and She-Hulk has done well in nearly all categories. The last episode though ruined the flow, the ending and overall a bad ending can ruin an entire show (think of Game of Thrones).

Some people might like the ending, I did not. Hopefully season 2 will be a lot better and avoid too much mind bending. And hopefully Disney will realize that we all grew up with the comics and so they should stay true to the source material. This also ruined Thor:Love and Thunder for me.
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