Taxi Driver (1976)
Changes The Way You View Movies
13 October 2022
I was one of very few who had never seen Taxi Driver. I knew of it, knew it was critically acclaimed, but nothing about it had really grabbed my attention. One night, with nothing else to watch, my wife and I decided to give it a shot. Wish I had done so earlier. It instantly became one of my favourite movies of all-time. I felt such a strong connection and relatability to Travis. Everything about this movie just hits you in a unique way. It's shot perfectly and the score, composed by Bernard Herrmann is beautiful. When I titled this review as "Changes The Way You View Movies", I meant it. I became introspective about the films I usually watched and realized how this was on such a different level. Immediately after watching it, I purchased both the Blu-Ray and the Official Score on CD. If you've never seen this, do it! Trust me, you won't regret it!
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