Believe it or not, some progressive liberals do not like the show! I can see why.
19 August 2022
We expected there to be some men who were triggered by a strong woman like She-Hulk. But what was not expected is how many progressive, liberal women were actually annoyed by She-Hulk. Some women are saying She-Hulk was supposed to be a strong, smart and funny woman. Not a stereotyped "heavy-handed feminist" as one woman said. They feel She-Hulk pushed it to much with the message and it backfired on the whole message of being a strong woman.

Me? I did notice they really pushed hard some dialogue about the subject but I didn't care really because I am just here for the show, not agendas or views....etc. That said they could have toned it down a bit.

But outside of that subject, the show is neither amazing nor bad. It's a bit fast-paced and oddly enough the first episode was very short. While I did enjoy the humor and interaction with Professor Hulk (Smart Hulk as he calls himself), outside of that things felt kind of flat. The CGI as everyone knows for She-Hulk isn't mind-blowing. Sometimes when she talks the lips even seem a bit off. But I give the show some slack because its a TV show budget, not a movie budget.

Overall I can't say there was anything that made me scream "Wow" or "Oh can't wait to see what's next!". I'll continue watching it is most of this series are only a few episodes of course. But hopefully the next episode is longer and has more going for it. I think it may be a bit harder with Hulk in it. Though the woman playing She-Hulk does do a great job.
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