The Jackal (1997)
Ugh...the very rare times I agree with the Critics...
12 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to say, I never seen either movie... But this particular movie, is a really corny cat and mouse chase, movie.

Despite the horrible directing, acting, lines... It barely keeps you in just enough to want to hurry up and finish it.

The C. I. A. Act like a bunch of high schoolers in every meeting they're in.

Declan (Gere), seems to be the only one pulling ideas, and tricks out his a$$, while the C. I. A. Wait around, basically. On top of that, he's an I. R. A. Terrorist, but roams free, under extremely light supervision to help track The can't make this up.

Eventually they give him a gun, too lmao.

There's about 8-10 unnecessary disguises for Bruce Willis' character, that literally will have you asking "why?"'s like they're trying to top the movie 'The Saint' on purpose.

Isabella, (who's supposed to be secured by the secret service and her family for protection) ends up saving the day by shooting The Jackal. How she even located and/or knew where Declan and The Jackal were? Who tf knows...shoddy directing, yet again.

Everyone in this movie, looks like they were trained by Steven Seagal on how to aim a gun every 2 seconds everywhere, then quickly hold back to your chest, then aim everywhere again while trying to look "tough". It's so damn absurd. It looks identical to how children play with water guns.
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