Overrated Pretentious Dribble
6 August 2022
This film has been hailed as prestige cinema and the main character has received a revival in popularity through fancams on social media and TikTok. But in my opinion, it deserves very little of that acclaim.

The satire in this film is hamfisted and they beat you over the head with the same points instead of introducing new ideas or even different angles of the same one. Also the dialogue is extremely cheesy, and the narration is tedious to sit through. At times it even feels A. I generated. Not to mention a few scenes could've used some trimming.

At the end of it all, this is a movie about a vain, shallow, materialistic man killing people because they are also vain, shallow, and materialistic, then having a superiority complex about it. It's not all bad, and some scenes show promise, plus there's a few dark laughs to be had. But overall, it's a waste of time.
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