Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Starship Down (1995)
Season 4, Episode 7
Starts great, but then gets familiar
30 July 2022
The Defiant is attacked by the Jem'Hadar, forcing members the crew to pair off into reflective character exchanges.

I enjoyed the first part which sets up the character situations very well with some strong action scenes, pyrotechnics and cool moments for the likes of Dax and Bashir. It might not quite be the 'Das Boot' tribute the writers original thought up, but I think it still creates entertaining suspense.

When it goes into standard disaster territory, it is reminiscent of episodes like 'Disaster' and 'Civil Defence', but with material that, for me, is not quite as strong.

I like the scenes involving Quark, as Armin Shimerman and James Cromwell work well together and it gives the story a bit more energy, particularly when the torpedo comes into play.

The scenes in engineering are also good, with the idea of Worf treating the lads in the engine room with the same regimented attitude as the bridge crew being the premise for a nice little arc. Michael Dorn and Colm Meaney are enjoyable on screen as ever.

Kira pouring her heart out to Sisko in one long "Don't you die on me" situation is okay in how it resets their relationship towards something better. It does feel very forced unfortunately and the dramatic tone is utterly pointless when you know they are not killing off the character. Nana Visitor does a great job with the material.

There is not much to say about the Dax/Bashir segment as they are indirectly making fun of how badly his character was written in the early episodes and it feels to me like it is there to stretch out the running time.
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