The Avengers: The Bird Who Knew Too Much (1967)
Season 5, Episode 5
Well that was certainly very different.
18 July 2022
Who and where is Captain Caruso? A name linked to the passing of secrets, secrets about a secret missile base.

Somewhat of a mixed bag this one, but on the whole it was pretty good, best element for me, the thugs, they really were a nasty pair, ruthless and quite menacing, they could easily have fitted into The Persuaders.

It's one of the more absurd plots I think you could argue, it really is a mix of frivolous fun and gritty thriller, it's certainly very different.

Steed's photo shoot scene was fun, I think you could see that Macnee enjoyed making this one, Mrs Peel's shoot was another highlight.

Ron Moody is great fun once again, what a tremendously charismatic he was, another madcap part, we wild as the one from 'Honey for The Prince.'

Ilona Rodgers, Anthony Valentine and Kenneth Cope were great also I thought.

An interesting watch, 7/10.
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