Nightwish (1989)
Messy Storyline
23 June 2022
A Professor (Jack Starrett) researches with his students Donna (Elizabeth Kaitan), Kim (Alisha Das), Jack (Clayton Rohner) and Bill (Artur Cybulski) their dreams. The blonde Donna has a nightmare with a cannibal, disclosing one of her greatest fears. Then the driver Dean (Brian Thompson) takes the group in his van to an isolated cabin in the mountains to investigate paranormal activities. However, the Professor seems to go haywire and the students are affected by an entity. The Professor's assistant Stanley (Robert Tessier) is a sadistic lunatic and soon the paranoid Kim learns that the entity is an alien actually. What is happening in the cabin?

"Nightwish" is a horror movie with a messy storyline. With due respect, Brian Thompson is the lead actor, indicating the low-budget of this film. But despite the originality, the screenplay if quite non-sense. My vote is four.

Title (Brazil): "Sonhos de Horror" ("Dreams of Horror")
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