The Overnight (2022)
Surreal Dark Comedy with a Horror Twist, Misleading Trailer.
9 June 2022
First off, it's not a terrifying demonic horror movie like the trailer makes it out to be. There's literally nothing in the trailer that indicates it's funny or goofy, but I found myself laughing quite a bit. Actually feel kind of bad for the people who are taking it too seriously. It's more like a satire, full of haunted hotel jokes and off-beat tropes. The guy from Frankenhooker is in it, for heaven's sake.

The Overnight starts pretty generic. An attractive couple going on a romantic trip in the mountains and wind up stranded at some old hotel. Cue the eye-rolls. From there, things start to get progressively weirder. It walks the line between poking fun while paying homage to movies like The Shining and Psycho, similar to the way Cabin in the Woods did to The Evil Dead and Friday the 13th.

The plot twist at the end legitimately thew me off. I won't give anything away, but kudos for not making it too serious and having some fun with the genre. I wouldn't exactly put this on the same shelf as Cabin in the Woods, but if you're in the mood for something a bit campy and spooky, I'd recommend giving it a watch.
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