Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Last Day Pt 2 (2021)
Season 8, Episode 10
Endings are so difficult
8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We all have so high expectations for the ending of any treasured series. Over 80% do not meet even mediocre expectations.

How did B99 do?

I did find a few of the situations forced - Jake suddenly deciding he wanted be a full time father. As someone has said he couldn't cope with being on suspension.

The whole heist seemed to come out of nothing and there didn't seem to be a coherent story.

All negative so far so why a 10/10

The relationship between Jake and Holt subtly changed throughout the eight seasons. I rewatch ( and binge ) shows such as this and maybe that way you see the changes more prominently.

The Jake, Charles and Amy dynamic was fabulous and it was written in a way that didn't make Jake manipulate.

The humanisation of Rosa from a sort of two dimensional angry, intensely person to having such a close friendship with Amy also developed over the whole 8 seasons. Although the introduction of Adrian Permento ( I bet he enjoyed that completely OTT role - my hero ) was maybe the switch that "turned on" Rosa.

Sarge was fantastic - Will Terry the Captain refer to himself in the third person?

Gina, Hitchcock and Scully whilst not the "stars" they were just important ( I've just watched the episode where Gina stops Hitchcock and Scully arguing by treating them as dogs )

We had lots of.cameos Melipnos, Bill ( Charles' double ) Amy's Pilsner loving ex boyfriend.......

But where was JUDGE JUDY

I've tried be somewhat objective and if Judge Judy had been there I might has started a petition for an 11/10

Good luck to all the cast and crew you gave us eight seasons of pure entertainment.
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