Review of Ghost World

Ghost World (2001)
Utter trash----Do yourself a favour, watch 'White Oleander' instead
8 June 2022
Maybe in 2001 the pretentious art theme wasn't as cringe and overdone as today, unfortunately i can only give my perspective watching in 2022.

I hated the main character, her blonde friend was right "what kind of loser gets fired on day 1".

I would have far preferred this film if the guy and blonde girl had both ditched the main character, she was a completely unlikable twat.

The friendship between the girls never makes sense, they're only "friends" cause it's forced by the writing, it doesn't feel like a real friendship that could actually hold itself together for more than 10 seconds.

I should have known this would be overrated with 2 massively famous actors.

I'm going to try 'Heavily creatures' next, it has half the amount of votes as this movie, so hopefully it'll be twice as good. White oleander certainly is and it has 1/3 of the votes ghost world has.
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