As good as it could get in present day
31 May 2022
Original was US Navy draft add but blow up because of music and stile like a hallmark of the times. There was no point to sequel except usual motives ($) and as sequels go this is a very smart movie in regard to how it was constructed. They new exactly what people want and would like to see and gave them exactly that. But they also know not to overdue it with nostalgia. So, a good mixture and as title goes its a movie centered on Tom and he is again that character, so no passing the torch thank god. Most of other characters are ok but bland and forgettable.

Main dramatic conflict of the movie is lame but you have to have something. That is also a big problem for me, this movie is even less realistic and more silly then the first one. "The army" is not strict at all and is all "hugy" and "feely". It has no ideological preaching sub context almost a given for present day and that's a good thing. Its not even a draft add like the first one, there is not as much "America, yeah!" moments as you would expect.

Biggest disappointment in the movie for me are highly praised flight scenes. They are not that impressive with just identical closeups from front and lots of fast passed shaky cam. Arial shoots of original in my opinion are far more impressive and believable. End mission is also silly and unbelievable but that doesn't matter. The point of this movie and what audience wanted to see is Tom Cruise being Maverick again and kick ass and in that regard it completely delivers.
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