Most underappreciated Akira Kurosawa film.
27 May 2022
It's really hard to definite such heart-wrenching films like this. It's filled with sincerity and purity. It's filled with dark themes, yet seemingly heartwarming most of the time. Each happy moment is killed by something unfortunate happening and each sadness is healed with something happy. But the film doesn't try to make it shocking in the slightest so it all feels so natural and realistic.

I love all the characters here, some are too innocent and look silly sometimes but they try to learn and get more knowledged. Other characters may be flawed, but once they realise their imperfections and mistakes they try to make up for them and try to become better people. And then there's Richard Gere who gives such an overtried out-of-place performance it's just plain charming, I really love him in this film, he added that needed spice. When the multiple cultures collide, we witness this extremely beautiful phenomenon of good-willingness and understanding, it's all so touching and made me overjoyed.

All of the film's dialogues are brilliant, the children often speak and show pure genuine curiosity, meanwhile, the adults are full of wisdom and experience which they share and teach the children. Everything's just so perfect with this film, It's a huge dose of overlapping sadness and happiness all in one simultaneously. And then there are all the historical aspects of the film that are not only factually correct and real but very educative and endearing. This whole world and past's exploration journey if I shall call it is not only thought-provoking but also makes us reflect on our own society to see that maybe we're not so different after all. A truly extraordinary film, I'm sad that it isn't as praised, acknowledged and as known as other Akira Kurosawa films.
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