Downton Abbey: Episode #6.7 (2015)
Season 6, Episode 7
Time for Home
14 May 2022
Violet has finally done it; she has run away from home. Still angry over the hospital coup, and already having had one unfortunate public meltdown, at the open house where she came close to wiping out dozens of villagers as she cut a swath through the library, she thought it best that she take leave of the country before she blew another gasket and took leave of her senses altogether. So she set sail on a three hour tour on the S. S. Paris to visit Lord and Lady Howell in Cannes. She skipped the goodbyes, but before she went she left behind some letters, all S. W. A. K., including one gingerly delivered by Isobel and a lovely parting gift of that furry little buddy for Robert. In case anyone needs to reach her, she left instructions with Tom because he's the most sensible. Violet and Isobel know about this greedy scheme, will they let Dickie know what they've discovered so he can finally disinherit his ne'er-do-well mongrels and banish them from his Earldom (without a penny) once and for all? I doubt Isobel will do it as she has repeatedly said she doesn't want to come between Dickie and his two shades of Grey. But Violet is another story. The test results are in and he aced it. According to Headmaster Dawes, there are Oxford and Cambridge grads who know less than our Mr. Molesley. When you think about it, this has been percolating all along. Back as far as Season 1 Molesley wanted to talk books with Anna. At the time we assumed he was just hitting on her but maybe he actually did just want to talk books. Mr. Molesley's story mirrors that of many of that era, bright students who had no choice but to leave school and start earning at a young age to help support the family. A job in service was considered respectable, and likely his family considered school a pie in the sky dream when the practicality of a paying job beckoned. For Snappy, all that's best of dark and bright meet in Mary's aspect and her eyes. He just can't quit her. It is a carpe diem moment for him, but not for Mary. For her it's a Matthew flashback. Snappy picks the wrong moment to call and say, "hello, it's me" and push her, and she picks the wrong moment to tell him it wasn't meant to be, that she doesn't want him to give up anything - except her. Tom tells her she's making a mistake, she needs understand she is letting her fear of being hurt rule her.
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