The Silent Cinema Legend Janet Gaynor gets her most loved talkie in her final lead role, and that's not a coincidence. That's what God planned for her.
2 April 2022
The Young In Heart (1938) : Brief Review -

The Silent Cinema Legend Janet Gaynor gets her most loved talkie in her final lead role, and that's not a coincidence. That's what God planned for her. Janet Gaynor and silent movies are a different equation altogether. She is definitely among the top 5 silent era actresses ever, but her talkies weren't that great. The Young In Heart gives that most lovable talkie she deserved and interestingly it came with her final lead role movie. That can't be a coincidence, but I believe even God wanted her to get one solid film in the talkie era that people will remember, and she gets it. Thank you God for giving a memorable farewell to the legendary actor, and thank you Janet for the lovely entertainment. So, The Young at Heart is a moving film with some life lessons. The film is about four cons, but it does not con the audience. Rather, it educates you. Thrown out of the Riviera, a family of grifters meets a lonely, vulnerable, rich old woman and insinuates themselves into her life while they sponge off her. They plan to get her property after her death, but instead they learn to live, and how. Life is not life without work, kindness and love, and money isn't everything. You may earn money by doing the wrong things, but you'll never earn trust and friends with whom you can share your happiness and sad moments. Without them, you will remain lonely, with money in your pockets that just doesn't help. These are the points this film tries to make clear in heart-touching manners. Janet Gaynor gives a substantial performance with different shades, and even her accent is very pleasant. Douglas Fairbanks Jr, Paulette Goddard, Billie Burke and Roland Young are good, but Minnie Dupree deserves a special mention. Richard Wallace's idea of making misfortune meet Miss Fortune works big time as you take home some great thoughts as the film ends. Just a few minor faults here and there, but otherwise a perfect piece of thoughtful entertainment!

RATING - 7.5/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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