Truth Seekers (2020)
Hey yanks stop looking for alternative X Files, this is most definitely not it.
13 March 2022
I just caught this show on Amazon Prime and I am watching through the episodes of the first series, and for me it's annoying that anything remotely decent is buried away on an Amazon TV channel.

It's got a great collection of wonderful characters and actors, with the legendary Malcolm McDowell, Nick Frost, Simon Pegg, and Julian Barratt.

Nick Frost is Gus Roberts by day No 1 internet maestro for Smyle and co, and by night ghostbuster extraordinaire of The Truth Seekers. Simon Pegg is Dave the Head Honcho of Smyle Inc, replete with a truly fright syrup.

Malcolm McDowell is Richard Gus Roberts dad, or is he really?

Julian Barratt is Dr Peter Toynbee is the self proclaimed guru of the paranormal, but is there more to him than meets the normal human eye?

I have seen a few reviews here of this show and of numerous episodes, and the negative comments frankly are from those souls who have somehow managed to miss the entire point of the whole programme.

This show has a blend of elements historical, supernatural, paranormal, enwrapped in comedy, a totally different blend of comedy drama than I have hitherto seen.

Of course comparisons are inevitable and for yanks the default may invariably be the X Files, but frankly that's a somewhat erroneous comparison.

To my mind Truth Seekers is not attempting to merely replicate the X Files, instead its going in a far different and a much more personal direction.

I hope that show goes beyond one series to allow for further character development, as well as eventually being picked up by a different TV provider like Netflix.
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