The Room (2003)
4 February 2022
This movie is so mangled yet so fun to watch

it's as if the entire script and film was written by somebody drunk, never reviewed again and then filmed by random chosen people who have no real interest in the script or in the final result of the movie

there's a best friend who doesn't want to cheat on Johnny but does so anyway

there's Denny who looks like he's about to crack under a bunch of social and mental problems and doesn't know how to deal with simple things in life or how to even form coherent thought

there's the mother who sprouts random dialogue which goes nowhere and her facial expressions display confusion, disgust and lifelessness

there's a drug dealer who appears for 3 minutes and has no real reason to exist in the story and is never shown again

there are 2 people who just walk into the house and start having sex and have no real purpose to be in the film

there's a flower shop woman who refers to Johnny as her best customer and is never seen again and has no reason to even be in the film

there is Lisa - who tells us how good Johnny is and how nice he is to everybody and then goes out of her way to destroy him

and then there is Johnny - a character so devoid of emotion, somebody whose conversations are so dreary and uninspiring and pointless, that each sentence is just a vague statement that offers nothing and goes nowhere and doesn't connect anything else together

this movie is a jumbled mess in all areas - with scenes that offer nothing, shots that are reused, plots that go nowhere and to tie it all together, there is characters who deliver lines like they are about to go in for heart surgery and realize that they have no chance of surviving it

it's not the worst movie I've ever seen....there's so many worse movies than this - but it's so devoid of any real story because of all the little stories thrown in that go nowhere and because the dialogue is so plain and uninteresting

this is like a first draft script with no other thought given to it and then filmed with whoever showed up for the casting call and with just people with little to no experience in the entire development of the film

this is a masterpiece in filmmaking - because there is next to no direction or real effort put into making this - and it shows

the total lack of investment in all areas because of it's devoid sense of story make this a feast to watch

the budget could have been 200 million and it still would not have been any better - in fact it may have been worse with a bigger budget

getting better actors may or may not have made this better than what it is

basically, the entire film is missing any real effort...any real conviction

it's as if a bunch of people smoked weed and decided to film some random conversations and piece it together

and holding it all together is Johnny - an actor so devoid of any charm, conviction, emotion or interest in any capacity

the story revolves around Johnny - who should be the very most interesting person in the film - and is certainly not...

Johnny staggers into a door with almost no reason to walk into the room or anywhere else...his eyes look like he saw the most depressing thing ever

it doesn't even change when he gets angry or when he's getting ;aid or any other time...there's next to no range of emotion from Johnny - and what very little there is - is so dishearteningly poor, it's funny to watch

this is either brilliant in writing or just so poorly developed that it's brilliant in it's outcome

yes, the film itself is boring and uninspiring - but there's something that makes you want to watch it and just to see how bland and pointless it all becomes

that's not necessarily a bad thing...many film makers will never end up making a movie that will be remembered as good as The Room is...

with hundreds of thousands of movies made on a yearly basis in the United States alone - most movies will neve get the attention that this movie does - yet most movies will be better made, with a better story, better cast, better scenery and everything else...

they may be better, they may have a bigger budget - but even those 200 million dollar budget movies are missing something that makes them so special...and that is what The Room has...

nobody knows exactly what makes The Room so special - because it's very poorly pieced together - but in't it's total mess - there is that unique thing that even many big budget block busters will never Star Wars movies, no Terminator movies, no action movies, no dramas - not the best movies ever made have that special thing that makes The Room so unique....and nobody knows what it is....only Tommy Wiseau knows

so while this movie is a jumble of mishaps, it's an interesting piece...sort of like a Picasso painting in a comic book doesn't fit in with anything else around it, but it fits in by itself...and stands out

so, you can laugh and mock it for everything that it's not - because it's missing so much - but then you have to admire that fact that as bad as it devoid of anything's a work of art in it's own way

it's the 300 million dollar Picasso painting in a collection of comic books...

it is totally out of place, but it's still a work of art...

I don't hate this movie at's not my favourite film in any respect either...but as bad as it is, it does not deserve a 1...and I don't rate it a 10 because it's the best film ever made...far from it...

but it deserves a 10 because it's a collective mess with no inspiration, a uninspired cast, a devoid plot, poorly performed cast, edited by a blind person and through all's an accomplished work of art

it's the ultimate American Dream...a person who set their goals to do something, get it done and then set it out to the world - only to be mocked and disputed as being no good - when the person behind it all went to great lengths to not only think of it, but to complete it all with his own money, do his own promotion and see it through to the end

as bad s it is, there's something undeniably interesting about The Room that not too many good or bad movies have...

I've seen bad movies....really bad movies - and this is not one of them - however it's not good either.
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