Seinfeld: The Phone Message (1991)
Season 2, Episode 4
Don't do the apples. That's enough already with the apples.
19 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Phone Message is about George leaving awkward messages on a girlfriend's answering machine, deciding to swap the tape.

This is classic George, in one of best episodes of the second season. He turns down his girlfriend without thinking and then goes on to make matters worse for himself, it's laughs throughout. He also puts his foot in it, messing up Jerry's relationship by speaking out of turn about the commercial they had argued about. We delve into George's neurotic thinking here, as well as Jerry not being able to let something minor go, as it eats at him. Jerry's opening standup's weak, it gets better though and strong at the end. Elaine and Kramer are pretty limited here as well, but an excellent episode.

Donna: Unless you want to go to your place. Jerry: OK, but there's no cake or anything, if that's what you're looking for.

Elaine: All she'll think is that you like her. George: Yes, she wants me to like her, if she likes me, but she doesn't like me! Elaine: I don't know what your parents did to you.

Jerry: I love my phone machine. I wish I was a phone machine. I wish if I saw somebody on the street I didn't want to talk to I could go "Excuse me, I'm not in right now. If you could just leave a message, I could walk away."
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