Edward Robinson's Greatest Role Ever in the sensational true story of Dr. Ehrlich which changed the medical world forever.
16 January 2022
Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet (1940) : Brief Review -

Edward Robinson's Greatest Role Ever in the sensational true story of Dr. Ehrlich which changed the medical world forever. Watching Dr Ehrlich's Magic Bullet in today's time when the pandemic (Covid-19) has hit us hard made me realize the importance of Medical science and the people who are serving it more than ever. These great scientists have done such phenomenal jobs that we as a society owe our lives to them. William Dieterle had already made classic biographicals like 'The Story Of Louis Pasteur' (1936) and 'The Life Of Emile Zola' (1937) before making Ehrlich's biopic, so he knew how to handle the subject and more importantly how to present it. This film has so many moments that will touch your emotions and make you realise the noble services many scientists and doctors have done to us. It's a true story of Dr. Ehrlich, who considered it was not immoral to search for a drug that would cure syphillis and that in future all the serums will be made in test tubes. The guy fought everybody, even his best friend to achieve success and everything he did was only and only for the sake of humanity. He may not be a god, but he's no less either. I say this to almost every scientist/doctor who has invented those medicines and antidotes to those terrible diseases. Just imagine if someone discovers an injection that will kill this covid-19 virus right now at this moment. Hail him, won't you worship him like a God? That's what they deserve and it is our duty to give them that respect. Dr Ehrlich's Magic Bullet is one such sensational story on one of the most important inventions in medical history powered by Edward Robinson's greatest role ever performed on screen. I will always remember William Dieterle for telling these important chapters from the history of mankind through such lovable and educational films.

RATING - 7.5/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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