Offers they could not refuse
1 December 2021
The only possible explanation for the appearance of all the talented people, not you Seth, in this movie is that they were offered fees far in excess of their regular demands. Seth McFarlane has zero acting skills though he does have the ability to write a few good jokes. Ribisi is completely miscast. Neeson is adequate but really has very little to do. Likewise with Charlize Theron. Seyfried has no comedic skills whatsoever. However, the one actor who should be humiliated to have made the choice to appear in this mess is Neil Patrick Harris who should have had a little more self respect. His part is awful. Most of the blame for this train wreck goes to Mac Farlane who also directed the movie. So as writer, director and star he should certainly be prepared for that call from Harvard Lampoon. He is a triple threat of incompetence.
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