Review of Ultraseven

Ultraseven (1967–1968)
Simply monumental.
9 October 2021
As the third entry to this huge franchise, it turns out to be much better than I expected. While it's still has the same formula as before, "huge bad guys versus good guys" or "monster of the week" formula to be exact, Ultraseven tries to be different from it's previous entries as the tone for this one are much darker and the mood also seems to became more serious than before. The gore also appears pretty frequently too.

Although the beginning of the show seems to be really weak and lazy in it's first 3 episodes, it starts to became progressively better as soon as the show goes on. Each of the episodes has it's unique plot, another reason why I like early Showa Ultraman era so much. Some of the episodes has different filmmaking style that feels like you're watching a different show (ex. Episode: The Untargeted Town). Anyways, I like that Tsuburaya spices something new and unique, and it works magically.

Talking about the conclusion to the show. The finale is simply monumental and incredible, not only because it is better than that 1965 Ultraman ending, it's because you can feel what happen to the characters and Ultraseven. You can feel the threat given by the monsters. The score in the finale, even though the composer did not made it due to ran out of time, adds that feeling that you'll never get it again in any of Ultraman shows.

Overall, this is one of the best Showa Ultraman shows out there. Go watch it, it will subvert your expectations.
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