Dolled down Maisie can't hide who she is
27 September 2021
It's after World War II, and Maisie has graduated from secretarial school. But, all the males she goes to see about jobs are wolves who can't keep their minds on their work. So, she decides to change her looks. Some glasses, change of hairdo, change of clothes and no makeup, and she looks more like a plain Jane whom the bosses will leave alone.

In "Up Goes Maisie," she gets a job with a former World War II pilot who's working on inventing a helicopter. Joseph Morton's design was a vast improvement over the first few years of choppers, which still were having problems. This film is worth it just to see the chopper in this movie, and how they use and film it.

Anyway, Morton is the first boss that Maisie didn't have to worry about being sidetracked from his work. With his partners, he is desperate to get his design accepted for production. But, there's skullduggery afoot as some insiders in the company that was fronting his development plan to steal the Morton machine. But this is Maisie Ravier, and they don't realize that she'll foul up the works for them so that the good guys win.

There's some good action in this, and scenes with the helicopter flying and landing in the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena, California. And, guess who's at the controls. Oh, yes, and when Morton suspects Maisie of spying on him for her disguise, it takes some doing before he's convinced otherwise. When she saves his chopper, Morton gets the message. And once again, romance blooms for Maisie.

Here are some favorite exchanges of dialog in this film.

Joseph Morton, "Now, see if I'm not right - you're loyal, capable, dependable?" Maisie Ravier, "You mean I'm not the type of girl that makes you think of soft lights and sweet music?" Morton, "Uh, huh, no." Maisie, "Mmm, and, Mr. Morton, sir, I'm not the type girl who switches your mind from business to monkey business?" Morton, "Why, certainly not, Miss Ravier. I'm amazed at a nice lady like you. What've you been reading?" Maisie, "Me? I beg your pardon, sir." Morton, "Now look, you just forget all those foolish ideas. As long as you're working with me, be assured you have nothing to fear." Maisie, 'Yes, sir."

Joseph Morton, "You're kinda fresh, too, aren't you?" Maisie Ravier, "Sometimes, when I feel good." Morton, "You feel good now?" Maisie, "Mmmm, I seem to, judging from the way I feel."

Maisie Ravier, "Now, just a minute. Don't tell me what I think. I know what I think and it's not what you think." Joseph Morton, "Well, you're on the wrong track, young lady."

Joseph Morton, "Oh, I know about those guys that think one manly smile and a girl should fall right on her knees. They're victims of a super-charged male ego." Maisie Ravier, "Ohhh, so that's what it is." Morton, "Yeah." Maisie, "Well, I never knew the cause but I certainly understood the symptoms."
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