Parasite (2019)
Smart comedy
24 August 2021
"Parasite" is a smart, highly entertaining black comedy, and it's good to see a good film getting some recognition for once. However, I feel like all the people who praised it as an absolute masterpiece and one of the best films of all times must have been watched "Transformers" and "Avengers" all their life. The film itself is solid in most aspects, but conceptually I don't buy the cheap social critique and easy populism that one more time depicts the rich as spoiled, dumb, and not worthy of their wealth. Perfect food for the envious middle-class that dreams of living in big houses, driving expensive cars. Retrospectively, the last season has been full of this kind of "us vs. Them" films, and while "Parasite" might actually be the only one to be any good, it's not thanks to its message.

Actually, it would have been alright if the movie ended with the party scene without all that subsequent melodramatic crap to glorify the working class who "lost" gain. Up to that point, both families are almost equally ambiguous, with even some interesting reflections on how this generation's weak spot for resonant brand names and exclusivity, as even the humblest servant now is supposed to have a resume full of renowned names or belong to elite companies to get a job. The vertical depiction of society is also effective in its simplicity, with the Parks' physically living above everything else, but at the same time unable to see what lies beneath due to the high walls and trees that entirely cover the view from their garden. The layout of their house also mirrors this verticality with rooms and hallways they are not even aware of.

An above-average film overall but definitely no masterpiece, not even Boon Joon-ho's best.
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