Salvation through space magic.
13 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Cruising down the road in our serialized ds9 party bus.

  • I did not personally have a problem with the prophets saving the alpha quadrant. Despite the writing suggesting Sisko just lost his damn mind and went to battle 2500 ships it is clear to me that his intention was to call on the prophets to help. The prophets have been there from the beginning and it makes sense to me that they would have a prominent role throughout the series run.

  • I belly laughed when Dukat was pontificating at the injustice of not having a statue of him on Bajor.

  • The dominion outnumbered starfleet nearly 2 to 1 during the battle but they decided to not re-take DS9? Maybe the Klingon's evened out the numbers but Worf suggested that Gowron gave them a limited number of ships? I suppose saying that they are outnumbered adds to dramatic tension ---- in my head canon I am going to pretend that was a lie and mentioned to get the troops to fight with greater desperation.

  • Ziyal's death has caused Dukat to have a nervous breakdown. Maybe his last strand of humanity dies with her? I did not buy into the Garak/Ziyal subplot so that landed with a thud for me. Alamo is wonderful as always and it's always a good time to see him sharing a scene with Weyoun.

  • Odo's off the great link crack rock and his love for Kira snaps him back to reality. Looks like we adopting the forgive and forget Christian principle with our good friend Odo going forward.

This episode is averaging a 9+ out of 10. I thought it was pretty okay but not masterclass level. The episode is plot thrusting forward but beyond Alamo's performance there is nothing profound/memorable/moving in this episode for me. Man, I really have a negative bias towards serialized story arcs. I want an episode to emotionally move me, challenge my principles/beliefs or blow me away with creativity --- that's my JAM!
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