Black Widow (2021)
Don't expect the usual "Avenger/Marvel" quality
15 July 2021
I had high hopes for Black Widow to be a movie on the same level - script, acting, action, grandeur - as the early Marvel movies. (Iron Man, Avengers, Thor, Captain America etc) Instead we got a movie that felt like it had zero connection to the Marvel universe at all, or like it was made by people who hadn't seen any of the previous Marvel movies, let alone worked in any of the productions?!

The opening plot was exciting for the first 10 minutes but then it fell flat, and never recovered imho, and halfway through I was convinced Scarlet Johansson was only there to create enough buzz for the others to make a spinoff...

I don't know anything about the director Cate Shortland, nor do I want to find out what other movies she's made in the past because this was so uninspiring. Really poor acting - or directing, whatever's at fault?

Me and my kids have watched all of the Marvel movies up to the final Avengers time and time and time again - which is a true testament to great movies, but Black Widow is a movie I'll never watch again, which is a shame because I really love Scarlet Johansson when she's really into a role! This was a real "meh" moment...

I'd hoped Rachel Weisz and Olga Kurylenko would have great parts and really lift the movie but one of them seemed sleeping and the other only showed her face twice - and only had one tiny line... The only one at least trying to deliver was Florence Pugh - which is obviously set to return in a spinoff.

I'm putting this Marvel film in the same bucket as most of the newer ones, you know the extra bucket for milking that cow dry to the bone, hoping the connection to the original Avenger movies will be enough to print more money, but I'm getting more and more fed up with how these new Marvel movies are made and gone are the good unique superhero movies, replaced with some cookie cutter - often feminist - replacements, and not good ones either.

Your mileage might vary and I've seen reviews ranging from nil to max so please make up your own mind about Black Widow, but it's a Marvel movie I'd gladly had missed despite loving Scarlet Johansson as an actor because she can be really great with a good script and a good director!

I know Jon Favreau is super busy and can't make everything himself, but if Marvel is going to continue making awesome movies we need him behind the reigns, or Taika Waititi for doing comedy variants, which I gather this one tried to be and failed so hard...

P.s. The spoken Russian in the movie is abysmal, despite them supposedly being Russians... I mean couldn't they have spent a weekend with a speech coach teaching them their lines correctly?! My Russian is far from great but enough to make it feel like a comedy, not an action flick.
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